
Creative Living Wall Design for Your Dining Room

A dining room moss wall is a new and creative way to incorporate nature in your home. Much like a painting, a living wall creates a beautiful–and in this case, relaxing–focal point for a blank spot. The only difference is that instead of paint, the display features plants and other greenery.

Living walls are common design choices for a green wall home. Aside from their visual appeal, the plants also improve the living quality within the house. From stress reduction to air purification, these living walls can do wonders for your living space.

Thinking of installing a living wall in your dining space? Check out these fantastic design ideas for your dining room living wall:

Tasteful Dining Room Moss Wall Ideas

Living walls bring a ton of personality to each house. From placement to plant and moss choices, each wall is unique. If you’re adding a living wall to your dining room, take inspiration from various design ideas with indoor plants, dining spaces, and common areas.

Design the best living wall for your space with these chic and elegant interior design ideas:

Mother Nature’s Work of Art

Want to showcase Mother Nature’s creative prowess?

Spruce up any blank wall with a statement piece made from plants! A good mix of reindeer moss, air plants, and various flowers and greenery make a vibrant piece that’s sure to be the centerpiece of any display. Add in a simple yet sturdy frame and you’ve got yourself a beautiful work of art.

A dining room living wall such as this requires a container that easily blends with your decor. For healthy growth, pick a container that’s made from cork, metal, wood, or any non-toxic material good for plants. A simple frame is good for a variety of styles, but you may also choose an ornate container to fit the space.

Statement Walls

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By its nature, living walls are meant to make a statement. With the right plants and arrangement, your wall easily transforms your dining experience. From a simple indoor location to an exquisite indoor garden, a dining room living wall creates a different atmosphere.

For a statement wall, you can choose to create an accent wall that spans the whole room or create a focal point with plants. Pole and reindeer moss are great backgrounds for statement walls. If you’re focused on creating an accent wall, it’s important to pick out the proper plants such as philodendrons and pothos.

Modern Vertical Gardens

A living wall is a dynamic and stylish alternative for tiny spaces. Instead of traditional gardens, living walls provide a modern vertical garden that brightens up any interior. Vertical gardens and living walls pair nicely with each other and often complement the various aspects of the home.

For a vertical garden, choose a variety of plants that are relatively easy to maintain. A living wall for a dining room can be quite tedious to tend to, so ensuring that you have the optimal conditions is vital. Aside from a good selection of plants, an automatic irrigation system and ample light source is essential when you set up your vertical garden.

Succulent Walls

Living walls don’t always have to be lush or verdant. Sometimes, they can be eclectic and unconventional. A great example of this is a bohemian-inspired succulent living wall for your dining room!

Frame your favorite succulents and moss together with the right mounting mechanisms. Since succulents require little water maintenance, and moss is a maintenance-free plant, these two will easily co-exist with one another.

Colors Abound

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Whoever said that living walls for your dining room only had to be green?

With a wide selection of moss, plants, and mechanisms around, you can take your pick from a variety of colors that suit your style. The HyGroMoss, for instance, offers several colors for your garden. While green is the most common, brighter colors such as blue are also viable.

From the Outdoors Going

If your dining room is near the outdoors, consider creating a sleek wall and window combination to create a dreamy feel for your space.

With a configuration like this, it’s best to capitalize on huge windows. The wide windows allow for sunlight and breeze to pass through, creating a relaxed and almost surreal atmosphere in your dining space. A clever and complex detail, a living wall that makes the most of a window is almost like an entrance to a secret garden.

Creating a Living Wall for Your Dining Space

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As more and more people turn to nature, biophilic interior design continues to grow and improve. The vast popularity of living walls shows that the combination of modern design and nature is indeed possible. Before you go all out with a living wall for your living space, it’s always important to see if such design choices have any special considerations.

Unless you’re using artificial plants, most living walls have specific requirements. These requirements ensure the growth of plants, as well as the structural integrity of your home. After all, you’ll be living with these plants–and most importantly, you’ll be tending to them as well.

If you’re intent on having a dining room moss wall, make sure that you’ve got these bases covered:

Proper Containers

Plants won’t thrive in an improper environment. This includes having the correct containers. Without the right vessels for your plants, your living wall plants won’t have the chance to grow strong roots.


Plants need sunlight to create their food–this is how photosynthesis works. If they’re being kept inside, having the proper lighting is an absolute must. This serves as a good alternative, especially if your dining room doesn’t let the light in very much.


Aside from sunlight, plants also require water to live. Different plants require different maintenance and care–this extends to their water intake as well. When thinking about irrigation for a living wall, consider the variety of plants and their care.

Liven Up Your Home with Living Walls!

Living walls are clever and excellent design choices to bring the green inside without overwhelming your space. There are a ton of ways to play up this idea—from complex patterns to simple potted plants. If you’re not sure how or where to begin, Vertical Green is an expert on plants and design.

Contact us now and start living up with living walls for your home!

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